jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2020

Blog post 5 - A subject you have enjoyed studying this year

The last year, when I was studying Political Science, I had a course named Political Ideologies. There the teacher sought to make a historical journey in the field of political ideologies, it beginning in the 19th century from republicanism and liberalism, later continued with communism, anarchy, social democracy, feminism, to cosmopolitanism. Throughout the semester, I was learning the main postulates of that ideologies, their antecedents and distinctive characteristics. With so much information, I ended up comparing the ideologies, detecting the similarities and differences, between them. 

For each ideology, there was one author to read, who summarizes the thinking of such a current. For example, Marx or Malatesta as main exponents of communism and anarchy, respectively. They founded the bases of those ideologies, like fathers, because their approaches were the first to establish rules for their methods, such as Marx at historical materialism. 

Finally, I like this subject, because it teaches you different ways of how to organize the societies, and to understand how our society is working. Therefore, one can rescue the best of each ideology and with that knowledge, I can build my own ideology.

jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2020

Blog post 4 - A photograph you like


This picture was taken by me in the latest summer in Chile, It was taken in the middle of the Andes mountains. I took it on February 2020 in the Termas Valle de Colina, when my dad and I went on a trip for a weekend. We decided to come to the hot springs, which are on the slopes of the San Jose de Maipo's mountains, where one arrives through the Camino al Volcan. The Sunday, we went for a walk around the river between the hills, sometimes I was taking photos of things that caught me or landscapes. One of those photos that I took, went to these mountains and to the sky with the clouds. I really like this photo, because, in general, I like landscape's photography, also because of how big the mountains and their cliffs look, in the same way the sky and the clouds looks huge. 

jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2020

Blog post 3 - Career-related website

 My favorite career-related website is EsDePolitologos (EDP). I knew this website the last year, when I was studying political sciences. Until today, the website has been my favorite, because it provides me with information, books and knowledge, thanks to the fact that it has an online library. Within the website, you have to go to the section Biblioteca EDP, there you have to click on a book that it interests you and that will take you to a google drive, where you can find the book you are looking for, in addition to all the other books that provide you the library. This is why I like this website, because one can access to a lot of books, which can be useful to search something of personal interest or for college. So, I can do some university's work using as a basis or as a backup, the books contained in this online library. Finally, I use the website sometimes, not so often, because not all the material is useful or interesting to me

the link: https://esdepolitologos.com

jueves, 29 de octubre de 2020

Blog post 2 - My favorite piece of technology

I got it on December of 2014 to my birthday, but it requires others pieces to work of which I got the last one in 2018. This can't be used it without its others pieces, so all of these are used through the senses of touch, hearing and sight. This last year, since the online classes started, I use it all the days and when I have time to myself, I don't use it or I use it to do recreational activities, because it consume much time when I have to use it to do works or study. I like it because it helps me to do many things that are required to me by the teachers of the university, as well as to do things that interest me or to communicate with friends. I imagine that my life would be much more complicated without it, especially during this period of online classes.

Blog 1 - Why you chose this career?

Since I'm child, always I have wanted to help people. So when I was teenager, I wanted to do it by the way of biology. I also thought about it by the way of astronomy. But, I also had a humanistic or more social area. 

So, when I was in "middle third" I chose the humanistic area. Then I became interested in social sciences, especially in political science, which was the first career I chose. Inside of this, I thought that I can help a lot of people by the way of politics. But the career wasn't what I expected. So, I took the decision to change of career and I transferred to Sociology. I chose it, because I thought that could it offer to me a lot of essential and interesting knowledge, that I quite like and it could help me with my vocation.

In the future, I would like to work doing investigations, either in private or public institutions, that could it help to understand the problems of society and solve them, while it help to improve people's well-being.